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Teacher and Student Success Plan

School Information

Name of Administrator: Jennifer Thomas
Name of School: Riverdale Elementary

Goal #1

By the end of the 2024-25 school year, students in grades 3-6 will have a 3% increase in proficiency for the RISE Math Assessment when compared to the previous year.

Goal #1 Action Steps

  1. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards/curriculum, develop common formative assessments, analyze data, modify instruction, and determine placement of students for weekly interventions  and enrichment activities facilitated by a combination of teachers and aides. Aide time ($8,000) and PLC supplies will be purchased ($500). 


  1. School-wide usage of the Engage New York math program, and associated materials, will be utilized to extend and reinforce conceptual instruction in the math curriculum. Instructional supplies will be purchased to support the Engage New York math program.  


  1. Teachers in the classroom will utilize instructional technology to increase student engagement and promote learning. Software programs will be purchased.


  1. A teacher will be paid to act as an EdTech Coach to support teachers with the implementation and use of technology.


  1. Aide time ($2,000) and incentives ($2,000) will be purchased to promote student learning using a school-wide positive reinforcement behavior system.


  1. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district training, online PD, and workshops or conferences.


  1. Paraprofessionals from Americorp will be mentoring and tutoring students to target and improve math deficits.


  1. A mental health specialist will be hired to provide social skills and mental health wellness support  for students. A  license for Panorama, an all in one data platform, will be purchased to help teachers understand the mental health wellness and social skill needs of our students. 


  1. Paraprofessionals will be hired to provide academic support to teachers.


  1. Printing and mailing supplies will be purchased to support effective communication between teachers, staff, students, parents, and the community with information related to school policies, procedures, and academic expectations ($350). A school webmaster will be given a stipend to support online communication with parents and students ($250).


  1. Acadience math benchmarks will be administered in grades K-3 to monitor student math abilities. Substitutes will be hired so teachers can administer the assessment. 


  1. A school advocate responsibilities will be delegated to several paraprofessionals to implement a school wide behavior plan, build relationships with students, promote positive behavior, encourage attendance, and provide individual tutoring to support students in the classroom. 


Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.



  •  X

School personnel stipends

  •  X

Professional learning

  •  X

Additional school employees

  •  X

Student wellness support

Student leadership development

College and career readiness skills

  •  X


Before – or after – school programs

Community support programs or partnerships

Early childhood education

Class size reduction strategies

  •  X

Other - Instructional materials, student incentives, printing and mailing supplies

Goal #1 Measures of Success

 RISE benchmarks will be given to students in order for teachers to analyze data in a formative manner to drive their instruction and to analyze trends.  Data from benchmarks will be used to create intervention groups in order to target student learning gaps. An ELA and math benchmark will be given monthly and science will be given quarterly. CFAs and summative assessments will be given during and after a math unit. Students will be given baseline data math assessments from math software. Data will be reviewed at the BOY and MOY.


Goal #2

 By the end of the 2024-25 school year, K-6 students will reach an overall 72% typical or above typical composite growth score on the Acadience Reading Assessment.

Goal #2 Action Steps

  1. Technology will be purchased to replace aging technology and aid in the delivery of instruction. 


  1. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards/curriculum, develop common formative assessments, analyze data, modify instruction, and determine placement of students for weekly interventions  and enrichment activities facilitated by a combination of teachers and aides. Aide time ($8,000) and PLC supplies will be purchased ($500). 


  1. A teacher will be paid to act as an EdTech Coach to support teachers with the implementation and use of technology. 


  1. Reading instructional materials and student supplies will be purchased to support student learning. 


  1. A mental health specialist will be hired to provide social skills and mental health wellness support  for students.


  1. Teachers will be involved in professional development through colleague observations, school and district training, online PD, and workshop or conference attendance.


  1. The Collaborative Leadership Team will meet to refine the schoolwide vision, mission, goals, and commitments. Time will also be spent modifying the master schedule with a focus on interventions. Stipends will be given and substitutes will be hired for CLT members to attend district or school level meetings. 


  1. Paraprofessional will be hired to administer Acadience benchmark assessments and to provide targeted reading interventions for students below benchmark in grades K-6.


  1. Printing and mailing supplies will be purchased to support effective communication between teachers, staff, students, parents, and the community with information related to school policies, procedures, events, and academics ($300). A school webmaster will be given a stipend to support online communication with parents and students ($250).


  1. Teachers in the classroom will utilize technology to increase student engagement and promote learning. Software programs will be purchased.


  1. A school advocate responsibilities will be delegated to several paraprofessionals to implement a school wide behavior plan, build relationships with students, promote positive behavior, encourage attendance, and provide individual tutoring to support students in the classroom. 


Goal #2 Expenditure Areas

  •  X

School personnel stipends

  •  X

Professional learning

  •  X

Additional school employees

  •  X

Student wellness support

Student leadership development

College and career readiness skills

  •  X


Before – or after – school programs

Community support programs or partnerships

Early childhood education

Class size reduction strategies

  •  X

Other - Instructional materials printing & mailing supplies

Goal #2 Measures of Success

 Acadience benchmarks and progress monitoring data will be used to track and measure progress. Progress monitoring will occur every 5 to 10 days for students scoring in the intensive range, every 3 weeks for students scoring in the below-grade level range, and monthly for students at or above grade level. 

Stakeholder Involvement

Who was involved in developing this plan?

  • Educators
  • Collaborative Leadership Team
  • Administrators
  • Community Council Members


Jennifer Thomas