Riverdale Elementary Community Council Meeting Minutes

Mission Statement: Roadrunners are safe, respectful, and responsible to learn at high levels.

Vision Statement: Creating a community where every student feels connected and inspired to learn.

Riverdale Elementary Community Council Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Council Members in Attendance: Jen Thomas, Lyndsey Anderson, Lexi Olsen, Brian Hall, Camee Ellis, Valerie Loesch

Agenda Items



Welcome community council members

Brian Hall

Brian welcomed all members.

Review and approve the minutes from prior meeting

Brian Hall

Brian Hall showed the previous meeting notes and asked if members had questions. 

Valerie brought up the book up from last meeting and mentioned that it’s a very good book. (Digital for Good) 

Meeting notes were approved, the motion was approved by Valerie Loesch and seconded by Camee Ellis.

Review goals and data

Lyndsey Anderson

Lyndsey presented on the percentage of students making typical or above growth for their pathways of progress. She explained that every student in the school has their own pathway of progress in the Acadience Learning program that they are working toward throughout the year. 

At the middle of the year, 61% of students in our school are making typical or above growth toward their pathway goals. Our goal is to have our school at 72% by the end of the year.

Lyndsey explained what the staff and teachers in the school are doing to do to work toward this goal. Some examples are strong/effective tier 1 instruction, teaching the 6 syllable types, research based practices, data discussed in PLC’s, skill checks and progress monitoring, etc.

Discuss Plan for 2025-2026 School Land Trust

Jen Thomas

Jen discussed the School Land Trust Plan and shared the plan with everyone. She printed it out for everyone to look at. 

She discussed that most of the things in the plan stayed the same. The plan is to use the funds for technology devices, paraprofessional salaries, and teacher professional development. Jen also discussed that the only thing that changed is the State Goal from 66% of students making typical growth on Acadience Pathways to 72% of students making growth.

Jen will bring the full plan to the next Council meeting and we will vote on it and finalize it because it is due in March.

Make recommendations to the principal about next year’s Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP)

Jen Thomas

Jen showed the Teacher and Student Success Plan and it was printed for everyone to look at. 

She discussed that the funds are used for PLC aides and supplies, math manipulatives, technology software programs, Edtech Coach support for teachers, aide time and incentives, teacher professional development, paraprofessional pay, mental health therapist, etc.

This plan is due in June, and the goals we are working toward are the same as the School Land Trust Plan.

Motion to Adjourn

Brian Hall

Brian motioned to close the meeting, Valerie seconded, and no one opposed.