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February 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes


President Hall Called the meeting to Order.


Interim Principal Hancock Introduced the current budget scenario

Primary goal to be accomplished with the money was determined to remain student literacy. Reading is such a fundamental skill necessary for learning it was deemed most important that it be addressed. Especially during the formative years of elementary school.

Previously literacy was measured using a bench marking methodology wherein students were expected to perform at a certain level of proficiency on dibels and other similar exams. The new way of thinking is based on progression. Students are expected to improve based on the state average.

Students who score within a certain range should progress to new range scores between tests. This means that less proficient readers should make more progress towards proficiency and more proficient readers will make progress but it may not be as dramatic based on the law of diminishing returns. In summary what this means is that readers that are great readers can no longer mask or dilute the fact that less proficient readers are being left behind. The idea of acceptable progress requires that readers of all skill levels are becoming better readers.

The goal would be that 60% of students would show acceptable progress. In order to support this goal along with arming the students for the future world they will live in it was deemed that the money should be used towards funding reading programs from both providing staff to support reading interventions and technology such as chrome books to aid students in both literacy and technical literacy.

The full plan would be emailed to the council for approval.

President Hall motioned that the budget be adopted as outlined
Council Member Jodi Brown Seconded the motion
The Council voted in favor of adopting the budget as outlined.

The hope is that with these funds and potential fundraising monies A third cart of Chromebooks could put the school at a 3 to 1 student to chromebook ratio. Currently it is roughly 5 to 1.


Plans for Community Council nominations were discussed.
members serve for 2 years
Nominations will be held in the fall


Council Member Jodi Brown was knowledgeable of the subject and led the discussion

There are lots of plans that can be executed to address this situation
Pantry's at school
Bags of food from the Bonneville Team
Partnerships with Catholic Community Council
Share Table - Don't throw it away place it on the table and students can take what is put there by other students
Further research needs to be done but it is something to think about maybe it starts simply as addressing extra long weekends where there is no school on Friday or Monday.

Jodi was familiar with programs at other schools and was going to research more information for presentation at next community council meeting.

Meeting was adjourned