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Student Survey/Assessment Opt Out Forms

Student Surveys There are several surveys that are given throughout the year that you can opt your child out of. Please read through the information in each and make an informed decision for your family. If we do not receive an opt-out form, your consent is implied. Return opt out forms to the office or to your child’s teacher after the school year begins.    Panorama Survey (Grades 3-6)  Leader In Me Survey Exclusion Form Prevent Child Abuse Utah Training Opt Out RISE Opt Out English Spanish Here are the dates for the Panorama surveys this year: Fall...

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Parent Training - Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is a worldwide problem that has been getting a great deal of attention recently.  The training and information reviews how to recognize the signs of possible human trafficking and how to report and work through these situations if they arise.  Attached is a link that will connect you to valuable information on this topic. To access, just click on the link, go to Utah, and fill out the information page.  This information is used for the purpose of tracking the number of people who access the training.  If you don't wish to enter your...

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Back to School News

Click on the popout links for individual classroom/grade level videos. Back to School Night 2020-21 Dear Parents,           Due to COVID-19 and large group restrictions Back to School Night will look different than it has in the past. I hope that you will find it helpful, perhaps a little easier, and still receive important information.           Back to School Night will include three parts. First, the PTA, school nurse, Tech Services...

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WSD Chromebook Help

Remember, a Chromebook is not the same thing as a laptop.  Not much gets saved to a hard drive on the Chromebook. All applications and file storage come from a cloud-based network from Google. That means anything you’ve worked on will automatically be saved and updated as you work. That also means that the Chromebook apps might need a little time to sync with the cloud before use each time you log into a wireless network. PLEASE CHECK EACH SECTION Apps that won’t work.  If you’re having trouble with apps (google docs, google drive, etc.) that say things like, “The application...

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