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March 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Community Council Meeting Minutes

Riverdale Elementary Community Council Meeting: Tuesday, Mar. 12th· 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Council Members in Attendance: Brian Hall, Camee Ellis, Valerie Loesch, Michael Jasper, Lyndsey Anderson, Jen Thomas, and Debbie Stevens

Others in attendance: 

Agenda Items




Brian Hall

Everyone was welcomed to our meeting with a sign-in, agenda, School Land Trust Plans, refreshments, and a “Glad you’re here!

Review and Approve minutes from prior meeting

Brian Hall

Valerie motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting, and Michael seconded it.  Motion unanimously passed..

School Safety Plan

Jen Thomas

Jen reviewed the 5 different safety protocols for our School Safety Plan - Hold, Secure, Lock Down, Evacuate, and Shelter.

She also thoroughly explained what our staff and police are doing to coordinate efforts to  keep our students safe.

Camee asked about the flight path for the Ogden Airport, specifically single engine planes.  Jen will follow up on that.

Review and Vote on School Land Trust Plan for 2024-2025

Community Council

Jen discussed the Reading Goal for this year, how we are working on it, and the budget for each item:

  1. Phonemic Assessments
  2. Small Groups/Interventions
  3. Progress Monitoring 
  5. PLCs
  6. Technology/Chromebooks/Repairs
  7. Teacher Trainings

Discussion followed about funding for this goal with staff/aides being the largest budget item.  

The entire School Land Trust Budget was reviewed.

Valerie motioned to approve the Trustland Plan, and Camee seconded it.  Motion passed unanimously.

Make recommendations to the principal about next year’s Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP)

Community Council

Jen asked for suggestions for next year.

Next year’s fund will pay for our Behavior Specialist, Literacy Nights, etc.

Brian also asked about the Title One Plan for next year.  Jen addressed some of the aspects of being a Title I School.

Motion to Adjourn 

Brian Hall 

Brian motioned to close the meeting, and Michael seconded it.


Council Member’s Name


Council Member’s Name




